Wednesday, January 30, 2008

tastes like lies

Stab in the back sealed with a kiss
The truth spelled out in blood on my wrist.
I’m falling forward into the abyss
More will only give you less
I love the hatred. The snakes, they hiss
Chase this all away with your simple kiss
You want my reasons? I’ll send you the list
You’ll trip and fall, you’ll aim and miss
What a grave mistake. You took a risk
Your beauty.
I could not resist
You are the one true optimist
I’ll be your faithful pessimist
You’re my light that shines in darkness
You’ve deserted me, I deserve better than this!

Careful what you wish for

I guess you’ll just have to teach me a thing or two
And I’ll keep on learning
The hardest way there is.

Saying goodbye is the hardest part

I wish so many things
But every thing is worthless in comparison to this
I need, I want, I love you. . . .
I’m dying for what I can’t have
I swear I’ll die without you
So here I am. Stab me in the back.

I’ve said goodbye far too many times
Goodbye to my heart
Goodbye to my soul

My breath’s becoming shorter
Just tell me you love me one more time
Before I take my last
Be careful what you wish for
For what you wish for might come true
I wish I was dead and now your sky’s fading form blue. . . .
To scarlet red
You swear your
Chest’s full of lead but it’s all just in your head

So this is my appology and here’s my goodbye
Pretty quick but not so painless
And Goodnight.

Be careful what you wish for
Careful about what you love
Be careful what you wish for
You might wish you were dead
How Ironic then
That’s what you are to me.


You left
Me all
Alone. . . .

I could’ve swore your heart was

But I guess you needed someone

You don’t understand

Well I guess you wonder why you did it now
So where should I begin?
For starters:
Sometimes it just feels better to give in.
How do you feel knowing that you did the right thing?

I promise.
I can honestly say
Things don’t have to

Just Stay!

And you won’t have to be afraid.
The complications aren’t even there if we just take the time to say. . . .
It’ll be okay.
Just promise me this,
day after day so I don’t forget
You were mine in our secret forgotten memory
When the night was our own special getaway.

Consider us broken

She didn’t want to loose me,
Consider the silence broken.
When all I needed was a friend,
She took the sick and made it well again.
When I said I loved her she broke what she saved.
She took back what she gave.
It’s all my fault, I threw it all away.
She wanted me to stay,
but she was lying. I could see it in the way. . .
Her eyelids moved faster than her lips.
When I felt the adrenaline racing through my mind,
I never looked back on what was missing.
What was left behind.
I don’t know if you know this yet,
Or if you even care
But love’s just one of those things. . . .
We’re never going to find!
She’ll never understand anyway so I guess I’m wasting my breath. . . .
wasting my time.
Here are my terms.
All you have to do is sign
Your heart spilled out. . . .
Across the dotted line
I’m standing at her door
Stuffing flowers in her mailbox
I’m curled up on the floor
Our friendship
My heart. . . .
You tore. . . .
Consider us broken
Not just for the record.
For so much more.
I didn’t want to loose her,
but it’s too late for last requests.
Goodbye old friend.
Goodbye and goodnight.