Wednesday, February 9, 2011

descention from delerium

Sitting with felicity, kissing her on the cheek.
...and then i blinked.
It was as if bliss had been blown to splinters,
dissolved like a vapor in the wind.
To the depths i descend with my face in my hands.
The heart on my sleeve makes my left wrist bleed.
The flowing slows my breathing,
and the beating starts receding.
Please releive this pain so i no longer feel a thing.
Give me hope to believe in.
Let me leave my grieving behind,
so i can find whats left
of whats real again

Friday, January 21, 2011

Love is a Lie

Turn toward the gallows
Now say a prayer
Weep as you wallow
In sheer despair
This life is shallow
The well is dry
This heart is hollow
Love is a lie
You chose to follow
Snakes to their snares
And fell to sorrow
What do I care?
This time is borrowed
Word from the wise.
We live tomorrow
Simply to die

eternal dawn

These nights are longer than the days
I long for summer's loving gaze
Her shoulders supporting my arm's embrace...
Lest my heart begin to race
And I forget the words to say
I know in my heart it'll be okay.
For the sunset' blaze,
And its majestic rays
Depict the splendor in every way...