Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fire and Frost

I always loved her,
never let it show..
Afraid to lose everything
by never letting go..
Now everything is missing,
It's some place i don't know.
Perish the thought She's out in the cold,
lost without somewhere to call home..
The inevitable's calling,
carrying woe..
Bringing desolation to all of those...
Whose tears have no place left to fall,
on which they haven't already soaked.
A burden from our eyes,
we drown the world..
They fall, glossy-eyed, into gasoline.
Let your fires die,
set your grudges free..
Let the world have one last beautiful dream...
Before you lift a shaking finger,
to pull a jagged, hair-pin trigger.
The smoke and mirrors burn to cinders...
As they deal the impending fate that lingers.


Anonymous said...

Your pretty much my favorite. Your amazing at writing. Your an amazing person and you diserve the world. :)

Jason Grey said...

i don't deserve the world, Nor do I think anyone does for that matter. The world is a cruel place with wicked people. However, it is people like yourself that make this earth worthwhile... all my love ~JGrey

anonymous #2 said...

you spelled "diserve" wrong anonymous